would i date you?

there are alot of boys in this world. but is there a boy sharp enough to date me? Desire? mabey. mabey you should find out by taking my quiz.

do you think that GIRL is your type. can you pull any chick you want? well try my quiz and see if i would date or REJECT you!!!! try it what are you waiting for?

Created by: Desire
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you like girls that are...
  2. pick your favorite animal out of theese...
  3. your favorite color out of theese is...
  4. where would you take me on a first date?
  5. do you like school?
  6. the race you prefer is...
  7. you are
  8. this quiz is for boys only are you a dude?
  9. what height do you prefer?
  10. what height do you prefer?

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