DCgirl's Profile


Joined on Jun 16, 2012
Status Level: Senior

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12-Year Club
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DCgirl's Recent Posts

  • DC Girl
  • DC Girl
    "I don't mind, really. It's linkandzeldaroleplaying at Gmail."
  • DC Girl
    "I can just post mine?"
  • DC Girl
    "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see that message. But I just use my email."
  • DC Girl
    "Oh yeah. :o The other character is pretty great, though. I don't want to say too much because of spoilers. Sounds entertaining. But a"
  • rotting room
    "Definitely. :3"
  • DC Girl
    "Three Houses is a great game. They story was awesome. Byleth is cool. Did you play Three Hopes? Roy is amazing. I'm not sure I've hea"
  • DC Girl
    "What's your favorite Fire Emblem game? I'll admit, I'm still for Ike. xD Super Smash Bros is great, honestly. Don't worry, I'm a baby when i..."
  • rotting room
    "Me too. I can't remember her email, so I have no way of reaching out. I hope she's okay."
  • DC Girl
    "A lot of RPG's and horror games. I play a lot of Fire Emblem. Big LoZ fan. Zombie games. How about you?"
  • rotting room
    "Oh, and question. Have you heard from Nuna at all?"
  • rotting room
    "Okay. I think I emailed you just so you have mine. I'll tell you there, as well."
  • DC Girl
    "Yeah, I gotta get something for my Switch at some point. No worries."
  • rotting room
    "Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. Do you need to talk?"
  • rotting room
    "Please come back. I'll lay in your thread until you do. xD"

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