The Bonds of Love Part 7
The Bonds of Love Part 7! Sorry for the long wait guys. I had to take care of my mom for a while, then I found out somehow my hard work on Part 7 got deleted so I had to rewrite it all over again. It might be lame and sucky. On top of that I had to attend a funeral. So that's why it took so long. Here it is Par---Random girl on top of a unicorn:Ooh wait what's that? Me:It's the magical SHOUT-OUT box! SHOUT-OUTS TO: JackieHoran, NightRain, Chainbreaker,rvelez, DCgirl, Monkey_Love and LovelyTeenWriter and everyone else who took this and also commented.Thank you guys so much for reading this. It means so much :)
To make it up to you guys I'll try and post two more chapters since that's how long you had to wait Agreed? Come back here and give me my pony, Harry potter! lol :) ---Alleria (I finally got to listen to Linkin Park's "Crawling"! It's now my new favorite song. Check it out on Youtube if you haven't. ) Whooooo! Flying donuts OOOOOO