The Bonds of Love Part 3
Wow Part 3 already? I can't believe it! You guys are awesome! Whoo! Let's forget that part. Ahem *clears throat* Alleria would like to thank DCgirl and LovelyTeenWriter for the inspirational comments. Part 4 coming soon :) Remember if you want me to take a look at your quiz, I'm very happy to do so. I'll comment on it too. :) Albino Ninja!
CONTEST!! So I decided to make a contest for who Katia should end up with: Reid or Tyler? (Caleb has Sarah and Pogue has Kate, who you will meet in part 4). Please comment on your choice and maybe explain why. Or if not, choose a song to play during part 4. (michievous grin).
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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?