course 570's Profile
course 570
Joined on Nov 27, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
course 570's Quizzes
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course 570's Recent Posts
"so tired"
"gots to get ready ttyl after 7 sometime my time lol thats when I end work from home bye"
"winter darkness? btw I got 5 mins left till I gotta start getting my work ready"
"yes but it makes my eyes hurt staring at a laptop for a long time:("
"feeling much better this morning. I got another 39 minutes till I gotta you know- get ready for my work at home."
"been sick since sunday and I still got a ciugh. was supposed to go to this restaurant tomrw or tonight ."
"yep im sick sadly"
"alright time ti make and eat dinner. TTYL in few."
"hope im not sick"
"*throws it in trash so u cant find it under a pile of papers*."
"I keep coughing a lot."
"you sure?"
"if thats ok"
course 570's Recent Quiz Comments
"I received golden retriever. Good job."
0 -
"I received yellow. Thank you for making this quiz."
1 -
"I actually need/want to listen to it now lol. Really good quiz. Thank you for making it."