which of my playlists are you?

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Created by: shattered dreams
  1. favorite color out of these?
  2. favorite drink?
  3. how are you feeling right now on a scale of one to ten? one being very depressed and 10 being on top of the world
  4. hogwarts house? if not, then warriors clan? and if not that also, just... choose which one sounds closest to you
  5. if you didn't have the name you had now, which of these names would you like to have the most? ("feminine" and "androgynous" names)
  6. if you didn't have the name you had now, which of these name would you like to have the most? ("masculine" and "androgynous" names)
  7. where would you rather be right now?
  8. favorite time of day?
  9. which type of fire is your favorite?
  10. i'm honestly out of questions... um... (this one actually does count tho soooo choose wisely)

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Quiz topic: Which of my playlists am I?
