Chung's Profile


Joined on Dec 24, 2012
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Chung's Quizzes

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Chung's Recent Posts

  • Heph's thread
    "At least you have an excuse for your absence! ...I'll blame Freitunier."
  • "[but that's expensive I only have $5]"
  • Um..
    "I wake up everyday ready to fight, for my father and for my beliefs, my ideals. And it is nice, when I save another person, who defeat anoth..."
  • Um..
    "I see...oh it's not really interesting. It's become routine ever since I agreed to help Eve. Heyo Anri."
  • Um..
    "Hiya. What's up? Me, oh I'm just counting the hours till me death"
  • *in a huge lab*
    "*fires cannon into thread because Heph said to :P*"
  • Um..
    "Hi person who obviously can't read seeing as my name is not person. HEPH OUT. And stop showing pictures of me..>.>"
  • Um..
    "I dropped Destroyer in a...well that doesn't matter! I am currently without a weapon and my armor is in pieces. So I want som"
  • It's been a while
    "Fun..? To see ruined homes...dead bodies...children cowering in the ruins, looking at me as I enter with fear because I'm dressed in full ar..."
  • It's been a while
    "Eh yeah.^^' Sorry. I went on a mission to check on a town that had recently been attacked..I was to check for survivo"
  • It's been a while
    "*Hello Yachiru."
  • It's been a while
    "Hell Yachiru."
  • It's been a while
    "I'm okay, I guess."
  • It's been a while
    "Nice to meet you too. How is everyone?"
  • It's been a while
    "Hello, I don't think we've met. I'm Chung Seiker. If I suddenly act weird it's because Freitunier's been malfunctioning ever"

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