cap's Profile

Joined on Mar 17, 2022
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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cap's Recent Posts
"Beep Ok gn yall <3"
"That’s gonna take awhile"
"So how many days is that 48 lol"
"Engle Sterling Fox Fordo Gearshift Gree Grey Grievous Gregor Hardcase Hawkeye"
"Colt Comet Cody Crosshair Crys Cutup Denal Doom Dogma Appo Havoc Blitz"
"Waxer Howzer Boil Cad Bane Vaughn Blackout Bel Thire Embo Blue leader Broadside"
"r j Imagine ppl liking Clone Wars and then joining GTQ and not being able to make any accounts bc I took all of th"
"Ok so which characters should I do next bc I have a lot lol"
"Ok so Kix is a band? Um no I was talking about the Clone wars character 😂"
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