Beatles Obsessed's Profile

Beatles Obsessed
Joined on Nov 30, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Beatles Obsessed's Quizzes
- My Crazy Life (A Story) Part 1[published: Dec 16, 2012, 7 comments]
*Please read these paragraphs* This quiz is based off of a soap that Neonhedgehog and I did. The……
- Easy IQ Test (And funny results)[published: Dec 15, 2012, 4 comments]
There are many smart people, but none of them are as smart as Albert Einstein. Genius is,……
- John Lennon Test[published: Dec 15, 2012, 1 comment]
John Lennon is one of rock's biggest heroes and pioneers. He did so much to shape today's music society and……
- Shout Outs to those who deserve it![published: Nov 30, 2012, 8 comments]
Ok, so this time I was feeling lazy and only did 5 people (sorry about that!!) But I……
Beatles Obsessed's Recent Posts
"And then i was sitting next to my crush and he showed me he had the card "girlfriends" The next theme was evil, and he put it in and when Is..."
"No, the card said boyfriends because it was a girl judge"
"And so for the theme pleasant, my friend put in the card Grilfriends and we all cracked up."
"The FUNNIEST thing happened yesterday. So me, my crush, and some of my friends were playing Apples to Apples..."
"*pulls back string of bow* I already know how to kill things."
"Lol, I really don't care... if I am, it's creepy. If I'm not, a babe list is still creepy."
"Hug because you are really nice and cool"
"I die laughing every time I see this"
"This is... odd... a babe list? o_o"
"I could feel blood pounding through my heart as I grasped for a way to get out"
"Name: Lexi Potter Gender: Female Age: 26 Hair color: Natural red Eye color: Chocolate brown Skin color: S"
"(Yes we are... right??)"
"Yes (it is Beatle Obsessed/Lexi's other account)"
"(Yeah, there are. My dad has one) I step back and pull back my arrow. I shoot and hit in dead center. (Omg I g2g again!! I will be on in a f..."
Beatles Obsessed's Recent Quiz Comments
"@puppals me too lol"
2 -
"It was GREAT. I loved it. The next one should be the wolf you are most like."
1 -
"Your Result: Firework 92%
Katy Perry revealed in an interview that the song's inspiration came from a book shown to her by her…"
1 -
"Thanks, Neon! Even though that isn't true xD. Would you like the pleasure of writing part 2? I just copied and pasted my lines from our…"
1 -
"UH huh, that's right. Go Gryffindor, go Gryffindor."
1 -
"Congrats, new Gryffindor! Sit right down next to Harry at your House table. Strengths: Gryf's are courageous and brave. They are also…"
2 -
"Friends? I hoped for a little more... oh well. Hopefully by the end of the year, he'll ask me to the end of year dance"
1 -
"I hope you liked my test. Please comment on what you thought. Thanks."
1 -
"I liked it! "
1 -
"Ok, so in case you didn't read it is Beatle Obsessed's other account (DUH)! So, I will be making a part 2, but I need more people! PLEASE…"