What is the warrior name? (Warrior Cats)

What is Warriors?:**"Warriors" is a book series made by the author, Erin Hunter. This book series is about fighting cats who would give their life to protect their Clan. But not all cats are like that. Some seek to tear the Clans apart, piece by piece, to gain power.**

But on this quiz, that doesn't matter. You don't need to know the whole storyline just to know the names! This is just the first set of names, the easier ones to remember first. Soon, the names will get harder and harder to remember. If there are more than one correct answers, pick the easiest one. And may StarClan light your path!

Created by: Wcrocks

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Gray____.
  2. Fire____.
  3. Sand_____.
  4. White____.
  5. Dust____.
  6. Blue____.
  7. Russet____.
  8. Crooked____.
  9. Broken____.
  10. Yellow_____.
  11. Squirrel______.
  12. Tiger____.
  13. Crow_____.
  14. Feather____.
  15. Storm____.
  16. Leopard____.
  17. Misty____.
  18. Done with the first set of cats! Did you think this was easy?

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