babymariorules's Profile
Joined on Jul 12, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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babymariorules's Recent Quiz Comments
"This quiz sucks! I got ugly, cute, and smoking hot. "
1 -
"Your Result: You are smoking hot! 78%
According to this quiz, it's pretty likely most or all girls find you majorly attractive.…"
1 -
"68%. Why would I want to wear something tight? I hate tight clothes."
1 -
"3%. Wow, really accurate! Thanks! Great quiz."
1 -
"84%. Yay! I do try to work out regularly and eat healthy."
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"I got a couple. Cool."
1 -
"Whoops. Sorry about the empty comment down there. I got 0%! Not socially awkward!"