Avery8941's Profile

Joined on Jun 7, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
Avery8941's Quizzes
- The Golden Days Part 3[published: Jun 10, 2015]
Part 3 is out!! YAY! Ok, im making part four!! For side notes of the story, look at the paragraph……
- The Golden Days Part 2[published: Jun 09, 2015]
This is part 2 of my new series, I have to say its coming along quite well, but that's up to you to……
- The Golden Days Part 1[published: Jun 09, 2015]
This is another one of my stories! A vampire story, not necessarily a love story, but there are those……
- Magic Loves Like A Boss Part 1[published: Dec 08, 2014]
Don't let the title fool you! This is a magical love story so be excited, be very excited! ……
- Best Magical Love Story Part 1[published: Dec 02, 2014, 2 comments]
This is YOUR MAGICAL LOVE STORY! This may take a while to get to the point but its worth it. For……
- Hate With Passion Part 1[published: Apr 08, 2014]
This is the longest quiz i've EVER made! Not much about it, i doubt there will be a part 2 tho……
- Werewolf Problems[published: Jan 15, 2014]
This quiz in the series of Too Bad, So Sad. Please go read that one too! No, they aren't stories that go……
- Too Bad, So Sad[published: Jan 10, 2014, 2 comments]
If you like the way this quiz is (basically telling a story), then please say so in the comments! Like And rate ……
- My Life, Your Thought Part 2[published: Dec 17, 2013, 1 comment]
Um, if you haven't already read part one, i would suggest you go back an read it but you dont have……
- Ready? Aim. Fire![published: Dec 11, 2013]
- Gotta Love That Jacob Black Part 2[published: Jun 17, 2013, 3 comments]
THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First, i made this quiz based on most of the results on……
- Gotta Love That Jacob Black ![published: Jun 14, 2013, 2 comments]
Okay first in this quiz the ending is alternative . You pick how it ends. If you love him, the……
- Love Is Magical[published: May 19, 2013, 1 comment]
Alot of people (especially girls) L.O.V.E love stories, and who wouldn't love a love story with magic in it? I ……
- My Life, your thought[published: Aug 09, 2012, 2 comments]
This is based on a certain summer of my life, a summer I won't forget, the summer that changed me. (you……
- The Hanging Tree part 2[published: Jun 07, 2012, 4 comments]
See I told you guys I would make another one!!! I wanna thank a few people for taking my first quiz and……
- The Hanging Tree[published: Jun 07, 2012, 9 comments]
Before, people would be hung on the gallows if comitted a crime. Your parents decide you need money. Rob a……
Avery8941's Recent Posts
"Just wanted to let u guys know I created a new quiz!!"
"Thanks! Nice to meet you to, yes I am new"
Avery8941's Recent Quiz Comments
"i like how you gave us their input ^.^
I also like how you made Kol and Klaus have a crush on me xD"
1 -
"Your Result: misunderstood genious 81%
You are the type of bad guy that always seems to fail at his/her plans, even though hours…"
2 -
"Very good quiz! Every other 'How Evil Are You' quiz asks stupid s--- like 'have you killed anyone?'
Its all about the reason and…"
1 -
"What kind of Wolf are You?
Your Result: Alpha Wolf 86%Alpha Wolves are serious and smart.They hunt for the rest of the pack.…"
1 -
"also, my laptop crashed so some questions may be repeated >."
1 -
"So In Erics' result I said "Dylan"... PLease ignore that lol"
1 -
"I believe that as long as you believe in God and/or Jesus, you will go to heaven no matter how you live life. I listen to screamo, but that…"
1 -
"i got old age, but lol on the clown outcome XD"
1 -
"Honestly, i would tell you the website, but it cannot be public, and to be honest, i do not log into it anymore."
1 -
"Not accurate, i am no way outgoing, i am way shy..."