astrologyaddict's Profile

Joined on Aug 27, 2022
Status Level: Novice
astrologyaddict's Quizzes
- Can I guess ur zodiac sign??[published: Aug 21, 2022, 11 comments]
There 12 zodiacs in 4 elemental groups. You should know which one you are, but I don’t. That’s……
astrologyaddict's Recent Posts
"Okay so I made a quiz that (hopefully) will guess your zodiac sign! Can you please click my user and look for quiz and click the quiz called..."
"I never stop talking about astrology or just bringing it up. And I study it a lot soooo"
"The sunglasses one"
"Well yea that’s true"
"Number 1 is the lie bc ur pfp says alot"
"[poll.uGS] The link"
astrologyaddict's Recent Quiz Comments
"I really liked it even though I died
It kinda felt like I was in the roleplay"1 reply3 -
"I got halfway"
1 -
"I got cool emoji"
1 -
"Is the description accurate? Or its just wrong all together"
In response to Ash Midnight:
"Yaaaaa. Im Virgo, not an Aries or a Scorpio."
1 -
In response to Zimswife:
"Aries or Scorpio,no I'm a Virgo actually but I…"
1 -
"Oh. Maybe you act more like Aries/Scorpio than Cancer. Sorry!!"
In response to ShadowFigure3000:
"Can I guess ur zodiac sign??
Your Result:…"1 -
In response to random_noname:
"Its true!!! Im scorpio btw..."