Are you the Grinch?

Hi guys! It is fungirl again, Today I am doing. Are you the Grinch plz give suggestions in the comments for new quizzes I can make, Hopefully you like it.

l hope you like it I worked for hours and I mean it. Go now enjoy and have fun. I am almost out of ideas for quizzes, Plzz help me, enjoy BYE! Hour and now I am tired of this.

Created by: fungirl
  1. Do you brush your teeth? Btw other does not effect result.
  2. would you ever want to live on a mountain?
  3. Do you have a dog? 🐶
  4. Do you like Christmas? and I know you are going to say yes, so comment if you don't like Christmas. Btw there is no effect.
  5. Do you have different clothes but in the same color?
  6. Btw I know all these things about the Grinch bc I watch the Grinch on Christmas day!
  7. What did the Grinch dress up as?
  8. What did the Grinch use for a reindeer only for a little?
  9. Btw 7 and 8 did not count.

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Quiz topic: Am I the Grinch?

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