Asmo's Profile


Joined on Jun 1, 2020
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Asmo's Quizzes

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Asmo's Recent Posts

  • House of Lamentation
    "Ellis: *carefully walks in to the cave* Mirari? Satan? Are you in here look I just wanna talk calmly okay? I wanna help Satan Zel is worried..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*continues to rush off trying to find Mirari wanting to shout to see if she'll respond only to have a hand cover his mouth* El"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*hearing the commotion he rushes out seeing Mirari getting kidnapped and shifts into his demon form to try and rush out* Mirari! Satan bring..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*looks a tad sad at the moment and loosens his hold on Mirari* you...can go see if he's okay I'll be here waiting. *gives a small smile just..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*glances down at Mirari and loosens his grip before kissing her temple* I'm sorry princess...*pouts at the others because he wants them to l..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*continues to nuzzle Mirari and glances up at everyone* now come on can you all shoo shoo~ I want to spend more time with my princess. ..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*huffs a little bit and takes the cup gently to have a small sip* fiine~ I drank it I don't see how it would...*blinks and looks confused* M..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*huffs a bit and loosens his grip on Mirari and pouts at Leilah* I don't want to share Mirari so why do you go to Ellis hm? *he's not going ..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*happily kisses her back only to pout and holds Mirari close to him protectively* Its not a sin unless you join honey~ *grips onto Mirari* N..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "Ellis: *gets an odd look on her face as tears start to flood her eyes before Zel is cured* ah...what the hell who is Ava...? *confused by he..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "Ellis: *squeezes Zel's shoulder again* hey its gonna be okay you'll be yourself and in control again. *smiles trying to at least be encourag..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "Lucifer: Asmo and Mirari seem to be infected as well. Though we might make sure to have all my brothers take the cure just in case. *glances..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "I mean...Its odd you would lie about it this whole time I love you for who you are~ *gives her a beaming smile* Even if you talk to plants o..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "Ellis:*looks a little bit hesitant* I mean drinking it from a glass wouldn't be weird just I don't...*gets to distracted by ..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "Ellis: WHAT I'M GOING TO HAVE TO WHAT?! *looks a tad pale now* hell gods damn it will that really...wait you're a what? *glares at Belphie* ..."

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