AnonymousVenter's Profile

Joined on Oct 25, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
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3-Year Club
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AnonymousVenter's Recent Posts
"But I like someone else… This friend hasn’t said anything yet but the way they are towards me..? Maybe it’s just in my head. Should I wait f"
"If you can find her be my guest!!"
"Oh well.. Why am I like this?"
"No not really. Nothing captures my interest long enough. I’ll start something and get tired of doing it."
"Things have gotten bad again. I’ve started hurting myself and it is getting bad and every day I just want to die. I am starting therapy agai"
"Sorry I am just now seeing this. I feel alone in this world. There seems to be no positive "
"I’ve tried that. Maybe it’s just me..also tried that wrist band thing"
"I hope so too. That’s …not working. None of that does. I’m just trying not to do anything completely stupid."
"I don’t know what to do anymore. I have picked up some bad habits and they seem to be the only things that help with the pain. I feel like n"
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