AnimalAveril's Profile

Joined on Jun 25, 2016
Status Level: Experienced

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
100 Quiz
Top 100 Quiz
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AnimalAveril's Quizzes

  • How much are you like my bunny?
    [published: Aug 08, 2017]

    My bunny is a black bunny named Beans! He's one of a kind. Let's see how much you're like him.……

  • Are you in love?
    [published: Nov 04, 2016]

    So love is something everybody knows. I mean like that's why you have two parents (MAYBE not everybody does)……

  • Are we friends?
    [published: Oct 07, 2016]

    Hey, here's some about me, I love fruit, I cry for no reason a lot, I think being a mermaid and fairy (merfairy)……

  • How would you/ how will you become a fairy?
    [published: Jul 23, 2016]

    This decides how you will become a fairy. If you are one I'll say. Lol! This quiz I……

  • True or false? False or true?
    [published: Jul 23, 2016]

    This quiz gives true or false questions. It's a good quiz I worked SSSSSUUUUPPPEERRR hard on.……

  • How great of friends would we be?
    [published: Jul 20, 2016, 1 comment]

    This quiz shows if your like my friends. If your like my friends your one of mine! I don't……

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