How would you/ how will you become a fairy?

This decides how you will become a fairy. If you are one I'll say. Lol! This quiz I worked hard on! Just like my other 40 or 50 others. Well hope you like it!

This quiz is amazing too me but only you decide for yourself! I know, it's weird. I mean the questions not quiz idea. Ok! Have fun taking this awesome quiz!

Created by: AnimalAveril

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like squirrels so much if you saw one you'd be excited?
  2. you see a fairy in your room that's helpless! What do you do?
  3. Do you know what sugar gliders are?
  4. Dad says "I got ya a gift!" What do you want it too be, pet or snack?
  5. It's a cute pet sugar glider! What do you want, black beauty or another type?
  6. Omg I'm serious when I say, MY SUGAR GLIDER JUST HAD A BABY!
  7. What color wings you think/know you will/do have?
  8. You try this: P: or try this: D:
  9. I'm bored
  10. Last question. Do you like this quiz IM WORKING SO HARD ON?!?

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Quiz topic: How would you/ how will I become a fairy?