Are you in love?

So love is something everybody knows. I mean like that's why you have two parents (MAYBE not everybody does) but it's VERY common to not know if your in love or not! I made the quiz on this website so It wouldn't like show me who got what results I know this is personal.

I for one think love (as in love the opposite gender, you know) is stupid! Like sex is terrible and so inappropriate I hate it. But I did this because I know that someday (in a billion years!) I'll need this. Jk I know many people will need this that's why.

Created by: AnimalAveril
  1. Does your heart beat any faster or slower then usual when you see a Suratant guy/girl?
  2. What are your thoughts about?
  3. If you might be in love, do you think you know who you might love?
  4. Are you a fan of love?
  5. Nhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  6. Are you more smart or pretty/handsome?
  7. Candy
  8. Scurr
  9. Sorry I did stupid questions. Like the ones that have nothing to do with this. I have to do twelve questions and I can't think of any more!
  10. Last question. Did you enjoy my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I in love?