AfricasBigAss's Profile

Joined on Mar 27, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
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In response to Cats17:
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"89% woh
For the looks I kind of chose random stuff because that doesn't matter to me
What matters is your personality and if…"
1 reply2 -
"It said "You're just hated seems like idk what else to say not even the pervert himself would like you at that point"
I know miss…"
1 reply1 -
"I got crazy...
"Ngl we are twins character-trait-wise
Except I have attitude the size of Africa because AfricasBigAss"
In response to ghettobabe4ever:
"Teaser? Uh. I'm not usually one to 'tease.' if…"
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"Um so I took the quiz and then I accidentally closed the tab so I retook it and got a slightly different result? I'm very confused..."