ACB's Profile

Joined on Dec 1, 2012
Status Level: Senior
ACB's Quizzes
- Life or Death (pt.1)[published: Dec 31, 2012, 5 comments]
Tarayln never asked to have this life. Only now does she relize this is the only open to her, and she must……
- Love, Life, and Drama (inside look!)[published: Dec 31, 2012, 2 comments]
Are you ready for a description of the boys? I have them! Please enjoy, comment, and rate!……
- Love, Life, and Drama (pt.3)[published: Dec 23, 2012, 5 comments]
Kk, epic part 3 is here! And there will be a part 4 soon! I hope you enjoy this series! Share it……
- Is he your crush or your friend?[published: Dec 01, 2012, 7 comments]
So, is he your crush or your friend? Please comment and rate that would be awesome!!! Request……
- Love, Life, and Drama (pt.2)[published: Nov 29, 2012, 3 comments]
Thank you for clicking on this!!! Trust me, this is going to be an AMAZING sereis! Please hit……
- Love, life, and drama (pt.1)[published: Nov 28, 2012, 2 comments]
I really hope you enjoyed this! Please comment and rate it would really make my day! Please……
- i dare u to click on this[published: Nov 27, 2012, 3 comments]
You clicked on it. HOW räñdí¸m ARE YOU? Plz oh plz comment and rate! Check out my series being Skylar!……
- Being Skylar (pt.3)[published: Nov 27, 2012, 3 comments]
Sorry for the delay!!! I really hope you enjoy being Skylar! Thanks 4reading! It really does mean a lot to……
- Most embarrassing moment!!![published: Nov 24, 2012, 24 comments]
We all have embarressing moments. Please comment and say your most embarrassing momment! We all have……
- Hogwarts Love Story (pt.2)[published: Nov 24, 2012]
Part 2 of this amazing series! Please comment request and rate! Thank you so much! Take my other……
- Hogwarts Love Story pt.1[published: Nov 23, 2012, 2 comments]
Please comment request and rate! Thank you so much! Take my other quizzes just look up ACB in the……
- How much do you like your crush?[published: Nov 23, 2012, 8 comments]
Everyone has a crush, but exactly how much do you like them? Please comment request and rate!……
- Truth or Dare? O.o[published: Nov 23, 2012, 59 comments]
I to play, select truth or dare then go to the question. You can do both if you want! Please comment request……
- Could you be my boyfriend?[published: Nov 20, 2012, 10 comments]
Would you be a possible boyfriend for me? Take this quiz and find out!!!!!! Remember to rate and……
- What Season Are You?[published: Nov 17, 2012, 10 comments]
There are four seasons, which are you? Find out! Remember to comment to show you result!!! Request ideas……
- What's the dumbest thing you can say?[published: Nov 13, 2012, 8 comments]
So in this quiz, I want you to comment and say the dumbest thing you've ever said, or that……
- Am I insane? O.o[published: Nov 11, 2012, 5 comments]
Insaneness, good topic huh? Soooo Remember to request quiz ideas for others quizzes to make! And remember to……
- Being Skylar (part 2)[published: Nov 11, 2012, 1 comment]
If you read the previous Being Skylar, Skylar and Marco were hit by a car. What happens next lays on her……
- Being Skylar (part 1)[published: Nov 10, 2012, 3 comments]
You are going to love this new story series, Being Skylar! Hope you enjoy! Oh, and You can suggest in the……
- Which name should I have?[published: Nov 08, 2012, 31 comments]
Which name should you really have ? Take this quiz to find out!! Will you PLZ OH PLZ comment or……
- Does my name suit me?[published: Nov 08, 2012, 12 comments]
Does your name suit you? Find out soon? Will you PLZ OH PLZ comment or requset quiz ideas? Plz do because……
- Would I survive the Harry Potter books?[published: Nov 07, 2012, 15 comments]
The harry potter series, a great series of the world. You you survive in it? Rememeber……
- Which elective should I take?[published: Nov 07, 2012, 5 comments]
Have you been wondering what elective to take? Take this quiz and find out!!! Rememeber to comment……
- Will I survive middle school?[published: Nov 07, 2012, 8 comments]
Will you survive middle school? Only the finest can. After you take this quiz, remember to comment……
- How mauch are you like me?[published: Nov 06, 2012, 8 comments]
9:00...getting tired...must finish quiz. Remember to comment and request! the first 5 reqest will be……
- Would You Be My Friend?[published: Nov 06, 2012, 6 comments]
I am starting to get used to these paragraghs. All I have to say is remember to comment and request! The……
- How big is my heart?[published: Nov 04, 2012, 6 comments]
How big is your heart? Find out very soon? Remember to comment and request quiz ideas! First 5 ideas will……
- Am I popular? (Very accurate!)[published: Nov 03, 2012, 5 comments]
Are you popular? If you want to find out this is the perfect quiz for you! o PLEASE REMEMBER TO……
- Will I ever find the love of my life?[published: Nov 03, 2012, 13 comments]
Why, do I have to write these paragraphs? So PLEASE REMEMBER TO COMMENT AND REQUEST QUIZ……
- Nerdy or Not? (Very accurate!)[published: Oct 30, 2012, 14 comments]
Remember to comment and request you quiz idea! You will also revive a shout out! Only first 5……
- What color am I?[published: Oct 30, 2012, 5 comments]
I.HATE.THESE.PARAGRAPHS.127.CHARACTERS.LEFT. So if you taken any of my other quizzes you know that the first 5……
- What modern song are you?[published: Oct 29, 2012, 5 comments]
I still hate these two paragraphs! So let me just say that this quiz is dedicated to SabesRule1, who……
- What letter am I thinking of?[published: Oct 28, 2012, 2 comments]
I don't know why we even have to make the little entry things. No one reads them!!! I still have……
- Am I stupid? :D[published: Oct 25, 2012, 5 comments]
There are two types of people in the world, the smart, and the stupid. Which are you? Find out in just a few……
- What pet suits me?[published: Oct 20, 2012, 6 comments]
Ate you looking for a new family friend, or a small cuddle buddy? Find out what best suits you in this……
- Do I have a problem?[published: Oct 20, 2012, 3 comments]
Do you have a mongo problem? Do have have lots of problems? If you really super do want to find out,……
- Am I cute? (Very accurate!)[published: Oct 19, 2012, 8 comments]
An I cute? What do people think I am like? An I one of the cute one or am I just a freak? Results……
- What color do I look good in?[published: Oct 19, 2012, 10 comments]
OMG! I can't decide what to wear today!!! Do YOU ever have trouble like this? This quiz will help……
ACB's Recent Posts
"I write poetry so if anyone would be interesting in reading some of my work click the link! ..."
"I'm going to sleep now but if people would just check out my story on wattpad i'd appreciate it so thank youu"
"haha it's fine thanks"
"well bye then"
"why would you think that"
"um no"
"anyone no okay then..."
"14th from the bottom"
"Guys, take my how mauvh are you like my quiz!!!"
ACB's Recent Quiz Comments
"Luved it!
I wish I could have hot guys tripping over me..."
1 -
"I did in the results!!!"
1 -
"PLZ tell me what u think!"
1 -
"Who's your crush?"
1 -
"K, I made a inside look on Love, Life, and Drama so check it out!!!"
1 -
"Nice Callie! Go more into detail though...
Great start!!! How am I supposed to choose between two guys?"
1 -
"Hey this is a rip off my quiz!!!! How dare you... -_-
Nerdy or Not is still my Fav."
1 -
"Do u guys like this series?"
1 -
1 -
"I'm only 86% me????
Btw nice quiz. I could tell the questions based on me"