_questions_'s Profile


Joined on Jan 8, 2022
Status Level: Newbie

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_questions_'s Recent Posts

  • poll
    "Yeah that's why this entire cisgender-centric world is f---ed up."
  • poll
    "Lol it's fine! And that does sound like a good way to include people with genders that aren't easily lableable. (Lol that's not a word, I kn..."
  • poll
    "I assume your talking about a poll on gender, correct me if I'm wrong."
  • poll
    "Gender is a sense of identity of one's self. It's what makes you feel the most like you. It's beautiful in that it can rarely be clearly def..."
  • poll
    "First of all, gender doesn't have anything to do with s.x. Secondly, I was just curious. S.x doesn't just have to do with what's in pants, i..."
  • poll
    "For me, asking that question, seems to invalidate someone's gender. Separating trans male from male just feels kinda iffy to me."
  • poll
    "I think they were saying that people don't like being asked what their s.x is. I understand that and in no way am I trying to force anyone t..."
  • poll
    "I didn't ask anyone in particular. I just made a poll and posted it."
  • poll
    "I'm sorry if offended anyone. I was just genuinely curious. But my question wasn't about gender, I don't think. Gender is about someones ide..."
  • poll
    "I was just curious. Why does it trouble you?"
  • poll
  • ""

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