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- 29.9K
Are you a celebrity? How much of a chance do you have at being famous in any possible way whether it be with music, acting, inventions... whatever it be, how …
- 3.4K
There are many psychic people in this world that we may not know about.................. you could be one of these people check it out out see what u get …
- 40.6K
Many humans out there wonder what type of werewolf they would be. this will tell you your color and personality. This is a quiz with pictures and more than one …
- 11.5K
Are you fit to be famous, rich, poor or in-between? Are you fit to be wise, happy, unhappy or abnormal? IN THE …
- 14.2K
There are plenty of intelligent people. Well, alright, there are several intelligent people. I take it you're one of them. Well, step right up and let's find …
- 8.3K
Your name is one of the Biggest mystories out there? dose your name mean that your smart of that you are Crazy, find out With this new quiz. P.s You ARE Crazy! …
- 3.6K
Are you a Goth, Super Girly or really Popular? Do you want to find out? There are so many personalitys girls have since we all see the world differently. …
- 38.5K
What is your birth animal soul? …
- 38.8K
Are you liked? Out of one hundred people, how many people right now or in the future will truly, from the heart truly like you and/or love you completely? …
- 109K
There are people who feel okay. People who feel angry. People who feel sad. But have you ever ever ever wondered wondered what mood you really, really are in? …