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- 4.4K
Movies, movies, movies! Tons of movies!Tons of new movies! Tons of old movies! Ton of genres of movies, too. What's your favorite genre? Not sure. Hmmm... …
- 115K
There are lots of famous fictional characters in books, movies, and comic books. …
- 12.8K
I love stuff like this and felt the need to make my own. This quiz is a fun roll playing quiz that'll take you on an …
- 25.9K
There are several different types of gemstones and jewels. What gemstone are you? Take my quiz and find out! …
- 3K
I made this because i like justin bieber and i thought it would be fun to make quiz on something i know a lot about and iknow aton about him so idid it on him. …
- 3.2K
This is just for fun. You can see what type of kinesis you have by what you like. It's obvious what answer leads to which power, so the people who want to see …
- 7.1K
The Black Eyed Peas are one of the most popular bands in America. This band also has many hit songs, such as I've Got a Feeling and Boom Boom Pow. …
- 4.4K
Hey, It's the Demon and The LUch Monkey here! We've made another quiz, that's right, ANOTHER ONE!! Isn't that great? Anyway, PLease take it. Or you may regret …
- 3.3K
So...Are you duuuuuumb? Are you stupid? Well then, take da "Are You Dumb?" Test! Its funny and fun! Take it in the morning! Or at home! At work! Taking a bath! …
- 5.3K
The gods are awesome and you can find out which one is most like you! Some of the gods might have many things in common with you! Take this quiz to find out! …