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- 8.5K
In the Percy Jackson series, people are always talking about what cabin they live in. Now its time for you to find out! There are nine gods/godesses, and you …
- 1.7K
some people gont think you can tell a color that suites a persanality but you can pare them togther they acualy work in unicen and they work as a team :D …
- 29.9K
What's your personality? If you take this short, easy, fun quiz, you'll know. I mean, a simple way to figure out your true is right on this quiz. Take it now! …
- 1.2K
Some people would die to swim in a river of chocolate. others jsut want to be alone with the one they love... some want to fly... and some want to go and take …
- 37.2K
Now, as with my fantasy cliche-o-meter, don't take this too seriously. However, while the originality of a fantasy story is more subjective, villains can …
- 48.3K
Which Jedi Knight from the Star Wars movies do you think you are the most like? …
- 3.7K
There are many different types of immortals but two of them are constantly fighting for surpremcy.Vampires, the creatures of the night, and angels, your …
- 25.6K
Do you have a guy friend? Well here's a quiz to help you tell if he likes you as more than a friend. i can't promise it's 100% accurate, but i've based it off …
- 7.2K
Okay, Everyone knows about greek mythology. the gods are zues posidon hades ares atheana hepatasus aphrodite hermes apollo hera and Artamis. who is your greek …
- 112K
I was bored, so I decided to make a "What Animal Are You" quiz. It says "detailed" because I tried to have several questions and paid close attention to the …