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- 231
Want to know who you will fall in love with if you went to Hogwarts? Here's your chance to find out! Will it be The Famous Harry Potter? The Herbology Obsessed …
- 1.2KSiyasi Ideoloji Testi2.72rated: 2.72/5Promoted 8 months agotaken 1.2K times
Bu test siyasi ideoloji belirleme testidir. Testi çozup kendi ideolojinizi ogrenebilirsiniz. Internetteki bir cok siyasi ideoloji testinden sonra kendi testimi …
- 176Which OC from my story/future play are you?4rated: 4/5Promoted 8 months agotaken 176 times
Love in Wartime. That's an idea for a story or even a future play I have. It takes place during the closing months of World War II and focuses on an American …
- 300Are you a tsun/kuu/himdere/yangire5rated: 5/5Promoted 8 months agotaken 300 times1 comment
This quiz will determine whether you are a himdere, a tsundere, a yangire, or a kuudere. Your result will determine which one you are, with only 10 asked …
- 522Which Hooky character are you? (Vol.1)4.61rated: 4.61/5Promoted 8 months agotaken 522 times
Hooky is a series of awesome fantasy graphic novels. By answering these ten questions, you can find out which character you are from Vol.1 . Thanks for clicking …
- 444Would we be good friends?3.1rated: 3.1/5Promoted 8 months agotaken 444 times3 comments
This is a quiz to see how compatible we would be as friends! There are a few types of people that I really don't like and many of these questions will determine …
- 362Which Faction From the Danish Constituent Assembly Are You?4rated: 4/5Promoted 8 months agotaken 362 times
In this quiz you will given a few questions about political issues relating to the Danish Constituent Assembly of 1849. …
- 250What animal are you allied to?3.67rated: 3.67/5Promoted 8 months agotaken 250 times
Have you ever wondered whether there is an animal that shares the same feelings and handles some situations the same way that you do? If yes, take this quiz and …
- 993Which MHA Boy Would Date YOU?4.19rated: 4.19/5Promoted 8 months agotaken 993 times
I made another quiz for Tamaki since he's my princess, you might see it if you search for "Would Tamaki Amajiki Date YOU?" I didn't make it easy for you to get …
- 506Which Hashira are you?4.11rated: 4.11/5Promoted 8 months agotaken 506 times
This quiz will be presenting the type of person you REALLY are by comparing yourself to Hashiras!! This is basically like who you kin but even more somehow a …