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- 26.1K
there are a lot of Asians out in the world. sometimes it can be hard to define yourself. if you think you may be Asian, take this quiz to get a very accurate …
- 2.3KWhat Dog Breed are You?4.3rated: 4.3/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 2.3K times3 comments
From hundreds of breeds of dogs, which one are you? This quiz only features five of them, but these dogs are as widely spread as I could in personality. Dogs …
- 2.6KHow romantic are you3.6rated: 3.6/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 2.6K times2 comments
Well everybody has some romance in them. What it romance we'll it's love no matter if your a boy, girl young, old you can always have romance in you. …
- 10.2KWhich Detective Conan Character Are You?3.84rated: 3.84/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 10.2K times2 comments
"There are many detective conan characters. Which character is most fit with you? But in this quiz there's only 6 characters. Ran, Shinichi, Heiji, Kazuha, …
- 2.5KHow Well Do You Know Denis Daily?4.12rated: 4.12/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 2.5K times1 comment
There are many amazing YouTubers out there, and they really shine! But who is in the spotlight? Denis Daily! Or, he is close :) Denis is a 21 year old gamer, …
- 3KHow Long Will You Live?2.91rated: 2.91/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 3K times1 comment
Man is mortal. One day all will have to die. An average human lives for 75 years. Then their expiry date arrives. But, how can we know when we will die? …
- 7.5KWhich Wadanohara character are you most like?4.27rated: 4.27/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 7.5K times2 comments
I was bored so I wanted to make this quiz - just a note that due to the limit of how many results I can add only major …
- 687Tekken quizz for all Tekken fans2.65rated: 2.65/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 687 times1 comment
Just a quiz for TEKKEN fans to test how will you know and love the TEKKEN series! and please give it your honest shot and don't cheat! as that will ruin your …
- 56.5K
Imagine for a moment that you are a piece of landscape--a sharp mountain peak, maybe. Or perhaps a sprawling field. Someplace whimsical, or something more …
- 18.4K
There are many people who love people as the boyfriend or girlfriend but what you don't know there is another part to this love a girl that waits to be noticed …