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- 36.2KWhat Destiny Class Are You?4rated: 4/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 36.2K times1 comment
Looking to play Destiny? Or are you already a veteran? Deciding what class to play, or figuring out if what you picked is best for you? look no further, this …
- 2.2K
"Bread is like dressed, hats and shoes -- in other words, essential! " -Emily Post “There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them …
- 2.6KSpirit Animal Test3.38rated: 3.38/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 2.6K times1 comment
Have you ever wondered where your personality comes from? Some believe it comes from your spirit animal.If your wondering 'What is my spirit animal?'take this …
- 11.7KWhich Animal Crossing: New Leaf Villager Type Are You?4.17rated: 4.17/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 11.7K times2 comments
If you've played Animal Crossing: New Leaf, you're probably familiar with the different villager personality types- …
- 4KWhat WWE legend are you3.21rated: 3.21/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 4K times1 comment
This is a quiz on WWE ledgends. Before you take the quiz, take a moment to realize the ledgends dead or alive that won titles for their accomplishments. …
- 2.1KHow sane are you?2.75rated: 2.75/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 2.1K times
There are many crazies out there. But they just want to fit in. First of all they think you are talking about them. So that irritates them. So just be nice. …
- 28.4KWhich Premier League Team Should You Support?2.59rated: 2.59/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 28.4K times
This is a quiz that will give you a Premier League team to support when you are finished. There are a few obvious …
- 8.3KWhich Shawn Mendes Song Is Written About You?4.02rated: 4.02/5Promoted 7 years agotaken 8.3K times1 comment
Have you ever wondered what Shawn Mendes song is right for you? Well of that thought has ever crossed your mind, this …
- 19.3K
Are you curious about what race/ethnic girl you should marry? Take this quiz! This questionnaire evaluates your responses to questions relating to culture, …
- 2K
Harry Potter is a wonderful collection of movies and books. They are full of action, mystery, suspense, and wonderful, wonderful characters. There are amazing …