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- 797
Hi there! How's your day? I hope it's good. If it's not talk to me and i'll make your beatiful face have a smile :3 Now repeat whit me: How can I be so …
- 1.7K
Welcome to this Autism Spectrum Quiz. This quiz is not a diagnostic tool, and was made by an autistic person to give an experience based test on autism as many …
- 732What Monster Hunter Monster are you?4.13rated: 4.13/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 732 times2 comments
This quiz is to show what monster you are from Monster Hunter. This quiz is 12 questions and will hopefully show accurately what you are from Monster Hunter! …
- 24150sValues on GoToQuiz3.5rated: 3.5/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 241 times
Based on the famous 8values quiz, 50sValues seeks to measure how you would fit on 5 axis all themed on issues prevelant during the 1950s. Where will you fall? …
- 2KWhat European Language Should I Learn Quiz?3.88rated: 3.88/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 2K times
This is a quiz for hel you decide which of several European languages you should learn. Take the test and then feel free to learn the language and become fluent …
- 2KWhich WW1 European Country Are You Most Like?4.15rated: 4.15/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 2K times2 comments
This quiz is where i am attempting to personify the main european countries during world war 1. This quiz is my first …
- 594
Hello everyone! this is my second quiz! i will tell you how much you know about Minecraft! Try your best. Take your time. And don't rush! you might get …
- 1.1KWhat kind of deity would you be?3.78rated: 3.78/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 1.1K times1 comment
Wanna know what kind of awesome deity would you be if you were one? Then you've come across the right one! Just answer the questions mindfully and you'll know …
- 1.4K
so, you're wondering how you're feeling for them - well gladly you've stumbled upon the right place. whether you score high or low i hope that by the end you're …
- 1.6KWhich Owl House Character Are You?4.63rated: 4.63/5Promoted 2 years agotaken 1.6K times2 comments
Hey! There aren't as many results as I would have liked because my computer shut off when I was still adding results. Right now the results are Luz, Eda, King, …