Warrior Cats - your life and love story!!

Have you ever wondered what your life as a warrior cat would be like? I know I have, so here's a quiz for you guys! Find out here who you'll love - for she-cats only!!

You choose your name and find out your destiny, with 3 potential mates, all willing to give their life for you. Will you make it to clan-leader, and who's the love of your life?

Created by: Riley
  1. What's your name?
  2. What clan are you in?
  3. You wake up one frosty morning and snuggle closer to the tom lying beside you. Who is it?
  4. You are chosen to lead a hunt, who do you ask to come?
  5. You've got your first apprentice!! Her name is Frostpaw, and she's a beautiful snowy white cat with sparkling blue eyes, and you're both as excited as each other! You hunt together, and she is quick to understand, catching two mice! She walks back to camp proudly, and everyone congratulates her. You stand behind her, proud of her, when Fireflame approaches you, with the words: "I wish you had been my mentor, then I might have caught something too! You're a great cat" How do you respond?
  6. Attack!! Another clan have entered your territory, and stolen prey! Your leader Darkstar gathers you and other warriors to fight, and you look around, trying to find...?
  7. In the middle of the fight, you get cornered by two enemy fighters, who do you call?
  8. Back at camp, you limp to your medicine cat, Leafheart, who gives you something for your shoulder. As you're there, you see Rockpelt, your deputy leader, lying very still, his breathing shallow. "Is he going to make it" Darkstar whispers, her eyes clouding as Leafheart sadly shakes her head. Darkstar approaches you, as she sees you heard the conversation. "He would have been a great leader" she murmurs, her blue eyes locking onto yours. "I think you would, too. Will you be my next deputy?" Your eyes widen as you nod, too stunned to speak. You are excited, but who do you tell first?
  9. Darkstar announces that you will be her new deputy as the clan mourn for Rockpelt, and Frostpaw, her blue eyes full of grief for her father, bounds over to congratulate you. "Well done!" Fireflame purrs, pressing his nose to yours. Behind him, Lighningheart's fur bristles, and Nighttail looks away. What do you do?
  10. Fireflame asks you if you want to go on a patrol with him and his apprentice, Whitepaw, saying you can bring Frostpaw too. What do you say?
  11. It's a new moon and everyone has gone to bed early. You're sat outside watching the sunset as Lightningheart approaches you. You gesture for him to sit down, and your pelts brush against each other. What do you do?
  12. It's the morning after you watched the sunset, and no matter what you did, Nighttail comes up to you and asks if you want to share prey. Both Fireflame and Lightningheart are watching enviously, so what do you do?
  13. One evening, you notice all three toms have moved their nests closer to yours, what do you do?
  14. You're the clan leader! Darkstar caught greencough and lost her last life. What's your name?
  15. As you look down at your clan, you see Fireflame, Lightningheart and Nighttail looking up at you, all with love and desire in their eyes. That's when you realise that you're going to have to choose one of them, but you don't want to hurt the others... Who do you choose?

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Quiz topic: Warrior Cats - my life and love story!!
