owl house fanfiction

hi guys! this is a fanfic of a day in the human realm with luz, Amity, Gus, Hunter, and Willow. In this fanfic, it is not their first day in the human realm. just btw!

I hope you liked this can you let me know in the comments or rate? thank you for reading if you even did lol so I hope you liked it! have a very hooty day.

Created by: Im only human
  1. hi. this is an owl house fanfic about one of the days in the human realm with our best friends group. are you ready?
  2. luz noceda was sound asleep in her bed, and suddenly she heard the birds chirping. ¨it must be morning!¨ she thought. she sat up in her bunk bed and looked around the room. Amity, on the bunk under her, was still sound asleep. And so was willow. ¨good morning guys!¨"luz said, a little too loudly. That woke willow up. ¨Good morning luz!¨ said Willow. Amity, who was usually up before all of them (but was considerate enough not to wake them up) groaned and rolled over in her bed. Not only was Amity one of luz´s friends, but she was also luz ś girlfriend.
  3. ¨amity?¨ said luz, climbing down the ladder of her bunk bed. Amity groaned again, and luz put a hand to her forehead. ¨ you're burning up, Bata pa¨ aid luz with concern. Bata pa was the pair's pet name for each other. It meant sweet potato in Spanish. suddenly amity sat up in bed and raced out of the room. she opened the door to the bathroom. ¨hey do you mind?¨ said hunter ¨im TRYing to brush my teeth!¨. ¨MOVE hunter!¨ said amity. hunter looked at luz. ¨ïs she going to-¨ he said. ¨yep¨ answered luz.
  4. Camilla Noceda (luz´s mom and kinda the mom of the house right now because you know... if you've watched kings tide) rushed in, hearing chaos. just in time to see amity throw up into the toilet. everybody turned their heads away and covered their eyes. Camilla brought a glass of water to amity ¨here you go amity.¨ she said kindly ¨lets get you back to bed. Camilla and amity walked back to luz´s room, luz following behind. luz was worried. I mean amity is her girlfriend!
  5. Camilla tucked amity into amitys bunk. ¨there there¨ said Camilla, placing a bucket next to amity. ¨ it's just a bad case of the stomach bug. can you give her the medicine, luz?¨ ¨yes!¨ said luz, and Camilla left the room. ¨ok amity, I know you don't feel well right now, but your going to have to take this¨ luz said, giving amity the spoonful of liquid medicine. ¨ew¨ said amity. ¨yeah¨ said luz. ¨ok am, I'm going to leave you here for a while. try to get some rest, ok?¨ ¨ok¨ said amity
  6. amity slept for about 30 minutes and then woke up and got sick again. a while later willow asked if anybody wants to watch a movie. ¨sure!¨ said hunter immediately. ¨no thanks! I uh... need to go check on amity!¨ said luz, knowing hunter likes willow. and gus did the same thing ¨oh- um no thanks. I need to read a book about human mechanicals¨ said, Gus. willow turned on the movie and sat on the couch with hunter. Hunter's face looked like a tomato. ¨oh god oh god. I'm watching a movie alone with willow¨ hunter thought. 30 minutes into the movie willow fell asleep on hunter's shoulder. Now hunter's face was even redder (if that was even possible). he started to relax. he streaked his hand through her hair. and before he knew what he was doing, he pulled his face closer to hers.
  7. ¨hunter?¨ willow said, waking up. hunter's face turned beet red. Suddenly, Willow realized what he was about to do, and her face turned red also. she was so embarrassed, that she threw hunter in the air with her plant magic. hunter felt sick. ¨um willow? can you please let me down? i-i have um acrophobia¨ willow started reeling the plant back down. ¨willow! you're reeling it in too far! watch-¨ but hunters' warning came too late. Willow wasn't paying attention and she reeled hunter to close. they accidentally kissed on the lips! Willow buried her face in her hands ¨ OMG!!! I'm so sorry hunter!¨ and she ran away. ¨willow!¨ hunter called after her. willow slammed the bathroom door in hunters face. She did not want hunter to see her like this. Hunter walked back into his and gus´s room and collapsed onto the bed. he covered his face with his hands and groaned. ¨this.was a disaster¨ he said to himself.
  8. ¨hunter?¨ asked Gus ¨are you ok?¨ ¨yes!...no! I almost kissed willow when he was asleep (or so I thought) but she woke up right when my lips were about to touch hers and she put me in the sky cause she was really embarrassed and I was embarrassed too! I mean I-I tried to kiss her! and I asked her to put me down so she started reeling the plant back but she wasn't paying attention and she reeled it in too far and we accidentally kissed on the lips and she ran in to the bathroom crying and now I think she thinks she's ruined everything between us! (she hasn't) and she's really upset! she won't even come out of the bathroom!¨ said hunter ¨yeah bro. that sounds tough. something I've learned about willow is that you just need to give her time¨ said Gus. ¨ok. i think I know what to do¨ said hunter
  9. ¨willow?¨ said hunter, knocking on the bathroom door ¨are you there? if you are, can you come somewhere with me?¨ slowly, willow opened the door. hunter did a fit bump to himself. he led willow outside to the park. it was especially beautiful today. the flowers were growing, the trees were lush green, and the lake was deep blue. hunter and willow sat on the bench together. they looked at each other, blushed, and turned their heads the other way. all of the sudden hunter said ¨you haven't messed anything up between us you know!¨ ¨i-i really like you willow and I uh- oh are you ok?¨ tears were streaming down willows face. she hugged him ¨oh¨ said hunter and hugged her back. Suddenly, Willow grabbed hunter's face and kissed him. ON THE LIPS. hunter was a little shocked, but then he started to ease up. He put his hands on her face. they pulled apart. ¨hunter...do you want to go out with me?¨ asked willow ¨very much so¨ said hunter and they walked back to the house. Willow used her key to unlock the door and they stepped inside. they were welcomed by the sound of barfing and luz shouting amitys name. at the same time, hunter and willow said ¨how very...realistic¨ THE END
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