can I tell your favorite owl house character

Hi guys I want to guess who your favorite owl house character is plz, comment, and share this quiz with your friends. I would like that. PLZ rate I don't care if I get a bad rating I just honestly want to know if people liked this quiz cuz I'm me and im like that

The results that can be received are amity, luz, willow,gus,eda,hunter, hooty, and Lillith. THis is based on who your most like 2 too. I tried to put that in the title I tried really hard but I ran out of space. ANyway, enjoy!

Created by: Im only human
  1. who do you ship most
  2. what's your favorite color
  3. amity or luz
  4. willow or gus
  5. eda or lillith
  6. hooty or hunter
  7. (bonus question doesn't count towards score) do you like she-ra, the owl house, miraculous ladybug, or Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood more
  8. ok who do you think your most like
  9. more answers to question 8
  10. more answers to question 9 and 8
  11. did you like this quiz?
  12. have you watched kings tide (last episode of season 2)
  13. rate
  14. comment
  15. bye!

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Quiz topic: Can I tell my favorite owl house character
