Which Owl House Character Are You?

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Hey! There aren't as many results as I would have liked because my computer shut off when I was still adding results. Right now the results are Luz, Eda, King, and Amity.

If those results are fine with you, great! If you would rather I add the others (Willow, Gus, Raine, Hunter), then you can wait for me to release my next quiz of the same title. Have a good day/night, witches! The quiz awaits!

Created by: TheDorkWhoWrites
  1. All right- here's the deal. My computer shut off when I was still adding results, and now I only have Eda, King, Luz, and Amity. I have no idea how to delete a quiz (If you can) so I'm going to do this one and then make another with more results.
  2. Sexuality? If you prefer not to say, just skip this question.
  3. What's one of your worst traits?
  4. Now, what's one of the amazing traits that make up your amazing personality?
  5. Extrovert, introvert, ambivert?
  6. What color is your hair? If dyed, just do your original color.
  7. If you love something that nobody else seems to like, what do you do?
  8. If you were given the chance to leave the world you knew for something that had to be amazing, even though bizarre and dangerous, would you?
  9. What genre do you love the most?
  10. What's your relationship with sports? Do you like them?
  11. And finally--what track would you join in Hexside?

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Quiz topic: Which Owl House Character am I?
