Original Character Mary Sue Test

Mary sues are big problems in literature because they are often overpowered. These kinds of characters can make a story dull or boring. So that is why you should try to avoid them.

When writing, it's important to take setting and such into context. For example, immortality, beauty, super strong, etc. is fitting for your world and is relativily common, the answer to if they are or arent a mary sue is more ciomplicated.

Created by: ghesties
  1. What colour is your characters hair?
  2. What colour is your character's eyes and do they have heterochromia(Two different coloured eyes)?
  3. Do you describe your character in poetic ways(Her snow white hair flowed like the ocean over her sun-like eyes)?
  4. Is your character rich?
  5. How pretty is your character on a scale of 0 - 5?
  6. If you answered 0-1.5(0, 1, 1.5) on the previous question, does your character overcome this and become beautiful(and possibly powerful in a way?)
  7. Are your character's parents deceased?
  8. Do you share the same name as your character?
  9. Your character is a recreation of you.
  10. Your character has a dark, tragic, sad, etc. past.
  11. Is your character any kind of nobility/royalty?
  12. Is you character joyful on the outside, but dark and broken on the inside?
  13. How would your character react to meeting something supernatural/out of the ordinary?
  14. Does your character have a scar that makes them an outcast?
  15. Is your character human/normal species for your book?

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