Do you love jesus? Do you know jesus? Are you a pagan? Or an idol worshipper? Do you know jesus is God's son? find out below in this quiz you are about to take

Joseph is the earthly father of jesus, virgin mary his earthly mother, he was baptised by john the baptist son of zachariah the priest, betrayed by judas, he had a beloved named john Read Luke chapter 1 to chapter end

Created by: Mikeal of Facebook
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is the sky blue?
  2. Are you human?
  3. When were you born?
  4. Your gender
  5. Are you...
  6. Religion
  7. Your continet
  8. Will add me up on facebook?
  9. What letter does your name begin with
  10. You love jesus?

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