Naruto Love story pt1?

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Hello! Please read this! This is my first Quiz so please help me here i'm getting a hang on this and i'm going to get better I just hope you will like this!

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Created by: Elly1Everything
  1. Your waking up and had your breakfast and you are walking out the door. Your wearing a black skirt with leggings and a blue jacket nd your head band. Once you walked out your hair was moving with the wind. (me: If you look at the home page and see the cute girl that is what you look like right now.)
  2. You see Naruto walking up to you. "Sup! ______ Want to go get some ramen later?" You giggle "Sure that would be nice." You leave and think about:
  3. You've been getting bored so you where about to go and train when Sasuke walked arund the corner all hurt and bleeding, And a girl trail is following him and helping him.
  4. You ran back to Sasuke and pushed your way through the girl love trail. Sasuke fell. "Sasuke? just tell me and i'll help you" "I don't need help." "Well it looks like you do!" He frowned and looked away. You put him on your back and ran to your house and locked it.
  5. Sasuke left smilling and acting all cool again. And the girl trail started back again but you saw Sakura walking towards you. You say:
  6. "Hey ______? What were you guys doing in there?" You hesitated so you said. "Do you want to come get some ramen with me and Naruto? We can go ask Sasuke if you want?" Sakura squealed and said yes.
  7. "____?" You turned around and..."GAARA!" you ran over and gave him a hug. "Took you long enough." you snickered. "Sorry I didn't get back sooner. He rubbed your check and you blushed you say:
  8. Before you go to the ramen place you went to go see Kiba and Shika they were talking untill you came up. "Hey _____" "Sup______" "Hi guys what are you doing?" They looked shy for a second. "Are crushes" You smilled and grinned "Who are they? Come on you can tell me! Whos the lucky lady?" They quikly ran off and you where confused.
  9. You went and went to the training ground where you found Rock Lee, Neji, and Itachi. They all walk up to you at the same time. They all said "Hey _____" At the same time. "Hey? Are you guys okay?" "Yeah why?" Itachi said. "You guys are Death starring each other..." ROck Lee went on his nee and said. "Will you marry me?" "What?" "I will protect you with my life!" " No thank you" He falls to the ground and you say your good byes.
  10. Part two? Did you like my quiz? And if you say yes thank you because there is more love comming. If you have anything to ask or help me on my next quiz please comment or rate! (Will not effect score)

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