Are you mentally ill?

Please don't take this quiz down, this is just for fun. If you actually feel like there is something wrong contact a trusted friend or adult. Not my problem or responsibility.

Makeup by the mirror in her bedroom thigh-high fishnets and some black boots Nose pierced with the cigarette perfume Half dead but she still looks so cute (yeah)She is a monster in disguise and she knows all the words to the trap songs takes pics with a cherry-red lipstick says she only dates guys with a big (mmm)I fell in love with an emo girl I'm in love with an emo girl fell in love with an emo girl All I want is an emo girl

Created by: Ian B
  1. Age
  2. Pronouns
  3. Gay?
  4. Hair Color
  5. Food
  6. Sport
  7. Favorite color
  8. Favorite word
  9. Friends describe you as
  10. Rate yourself 1-5
  11. Vampires or Werewolves
  12. Hottest cartoon mom

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Quiz topic: Am I mentally ill?
