What's Your Mental Age?

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Everyone grows up, everyone becomes an adult. But, do you act like one? Many adults aren't mentally mature, and some children will be as mature as you get! What are you?

This quiz will determine your mental age within 10, short, questions. Are you a baby in disguise, or an ancient soul under cover? Let us find out together.

Created by: McDoodleFarting
  1. You get 1 million dollars, what do you do with it?
  2. Your sibling wrecked on of your favorite items, how do you react?
  3. You're playing a board/video game and you lose to one of your most hated rivals, how do you react?
  4. what would you say your mental age is?
  5. What do you usually wear?
  6. Are you easily angered?
  7. If your friend owns a game, and you make a discovery inside of it, is the item yours or your friend's?
  8. Should every race be treated equally?
  9. Do you get jealous often?
  10. How quick to judge are you?
  11. Are you an only child?
  12. Do you believe in discipline?

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Quiz topic: What's my Mental Age?
