How Well Do You Know Naruto? (Spoiler Free ;)

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Hey! This is my Naruto quiz, I spent a long time on it. The questions start off easy but they get harder as it goes on, so don't get cocky now! Some are really tough I'm swearing yah

But yeah, hope you have fun, this is my third quiz and I'm hoping I'm getting the hang of it! Share it if you liked, add me on Discord Razputin#8548 !!!

Created by: mrman23
  1. Who does Sakura have a HUUGE crush on?
  2. Who's Naruto's ultimate rival... and best friend?
  3. Okay! Those were easy as pie! Time for... THE REAL DEAL! What is the name of Naruto's personal frog summon?
  4. What's the name of Orchimaru's companion and right hand man with dashing silver hair?
  5. In episode 225 of the initial series, what's the name of the secret hidden jutzu the Shinobi Instrumental Band rehearsed 30 times?
  6. How many episodes does the initial Naruto series have?
  7. What's the colour of Jiraya's shoes?
  8. What's the name of Naruto's grandson seen in the future vision of the filler episode "The Giant Beach!"
  9. How many spikes does Sasuke's hair have on top? (Super tough now, huh!?)
  10. How did you find the quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Naruto? (Spoiler Free ;)

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