are you a true Naruto fan?
There are many smart people, but few true experts on Naruto. Naruto fans are, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a Naruto fan? A naruto fan is someone who has an extraordinary mind filled with naruto stuff and is able to answer a bunch of complex Naruto questions with ease, and see the world through an entirely Naruto point of view. Which would be pretty awesome if you ask me XD
Are YOU a true Naruto fan? Do you have the brainpower to become the ultimate Ninja/Naruto fan?(mind you, you won't be the only one)Some people are just too stupid to even bother to take this quiz. So if you are then you rooocckkkk ^^ once you take this quiz there is no going back you cannot try to change your score just deal with your original score i mean really... what does it say about you when you cheat?