My very short shout-out quiz!

This is just a starter because this might take a while to fully finish. These are the few people but soon i'll add 9 others. Plz do not comment because i'm not interested.

Created by: Robin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you ready?
  2. Don't be upset if you aren't here
  3. First up is Random101! Even though she doesn't know this but I wrote the animal jam love stories!
  4. First up is Random101! Even though she doesn't know this but I wrote the animal jam love stories!
  5. First up is Random101! Even though she doesn't know this but I wrote the animal jam love stories!
  6. Next is Natayla! For being the first one to comment on my personal story personality quiz!
  7. Next is Tidal! She's my sis and commented on all my quizzes!
  8. Okay that's it! I'll edit and add more people. These are just the top 12, ok?
  9. Plz don't comment but feel free to rate
  10. Plz take my personality story personality test. I might publish that story some day :)
  11. Plz take my personality story personality test. I might publish that story some day :)

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