How Annoying Are You?

Do people always shout at you as soon as you open your mouth?? do they never listen to you becausae you always annoy them or is it something else?? maybe it was something you said or did?? you will soon know.

find out if it is you who annoys people so much by takin this short quiz you could soon find out!!Are You a real idiot or a true man /woman?. you should tell the truth all the time in this quiz if you want the right answer for you

Created by: Sully

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your sister/brother has some frineds round do you:
  2. Your Sister/brother is doing homework do you:
  3. your parent is on the phone do you:
  4. your brother is playing a game on his xbox/xbox 360/ps3 etc. do you :
  5. your out shopping and you dont get something you want do you:
  6. your sat at a table and there is a spafre tomato sauce sachae do you:
  7. your brother/sister is watching tele and you dont like what is on do you:
  8. your baby cousin comes to your house to stay for a while do you:
  9. you get a toy you dont like do you:
  10. your dad falls asleep on the couch do you:

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Quiz topic: How Annoying am I?