Jeeshan's Shout Outs

Jeeshan is presenting another shout-out quiz before you. Hope you will enjoy it. What is a shout-out? It is a call or announcement to someone in particular; one person at a time.

See if you are in my shout-outs. Sorry if you were not, if you are then great mate! I'm Jeeshan and this quiz is for you, my dearest friends. Hope you will like it.

Created by: Jeeshan

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  1. First shout-out goes to, Athena. You are very talented and cool friend of mine.
  2. Second goes to Brian. Dude, will you teach me how to be a YouTuber?
  3. (I'm trying it to keep this in alphabetical order) Third goes to, Cookie, yaya! Sweetheart, how are you?
  4. Fourth goes to, Dream! Sis, missing you and best of luck for your exams.
  5. Fifth goes to, James and Crystal! What a sweet couple!
  6. Next goes to Devi, Nazifur, Justice, KD, Natalya, Emmalee, Cassidy, Kaitlyn, Adam and all of my friends.
  7. 1714, Momma! How could I forget you!?
  8. There is a special shout-out for a speacial 'someone'!
  9. Jinx, didn't forget you yet. :')

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