minecraft story mode love story between lucas & f.jesse

jesse and lucas had gone for a walk in a cave but an enamy returns and captured jesse now its up to lucas to save jesse from something bad or will he let everyone down

yay im so proud of my self longest story ever 45 questins to be asked and ansered sorry if thats to many if it is then try a diffrent story but thanks for coming to my story

Created by: moonwatcher
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. there was a party going on in the order of the stones tree house if only 2 more people were there it was only oliva, axel, petra and jesse
  2. in the tree house it was all decorated just like a party but. axel: hey guys how come we dont have a cake? for the party they had no cake. ?: hey guys i got a cake
  3. jesse: lucas is that you. jesse ran over to him and gave lucas a hug he blushed. axel: and you brought then cake. petra: hey lucas long time no see
  4. jesse: hey lucas why dont you come join us for the party. lucas: sure id love to-. oliva: jesse there is a wave of zombies at the bottom of the tree. jesse: sorry lucas i will be back.
  5. jesse whent outside and started to fight the zombies. lucas staired out the window watching jesse. petra: so when are you going to ask her out
  6. lucas: im-im to nervus i mean what if i ask her out then she regects me and thinks im some kind of enamy and also she will think im an idote. petra: oh please there is not no one else jesse hates more then ivor
  7. lucas: ya i guess. then jesse comes back into the tree house. jesse: im back guys. oliva: hey jesse lucas has something to tell you. jesse: ok what is it. lucas: i was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk with me
  8. jesse: sure i guess. lucas: ok great come on. lucas and jesse left the tree house and whent for a walk in the woods.
  9. jesse: hey lucas look over there its a cave lets go in. lucas: i dont know about this but ok. lucas and jesse enterd the cave
  10. the cave was so dark that lucas and jesse fell down a big steap rocky hill but someone grabed jesse and pulled her away from the fall leaving lucas falling
  11. aiden grabed jesse and put her agenst the wall traping her inbetween his arms. jesses face turned to the left and she shut her eyes jesse:please dont hurt me. aidens finger pushed jesses face to look at his. aiden: hurt you im not going to do that. aiden slowly leand closer to jesse
  12. lucas: ouch that fall really hurt. lucas got up and brushed some dirt of him. then from his pockets he pulled out a flash light his bright orange shirt was now brown.
  13. lucas: jesse are you there! jesse: lucas--help. the voice ecoed over the cave. lucas followed it and found jesse and aiden. aiden turned around surprised and embarsed. aiden: oh you just dont know when to stop!
  14. aiden brings out a diamond sword. aiden: lets do this. lucas: what no fair i only have a stone one. jesse: here take my enchanted one. jesse throws the sword to lucas.
  15. lucas and aiden start fighting then lucas's sword flys in the air and aiden grabs it. aiden: double swords this shall be fun unless you give up
  16. lucas: i will never give up. aiden: i see we will do this the tough way. aiden starts to hurt lucas with the swords and then lucas faints from the damage.
  17. aiden: so jesse can you remind me where we were i have such a bad memory. then aiden winks. lucas slowy gets up of the groud and puts his finger to his mouth lucas: shhh il come back.
  18. oliva: what do you need our help with? lucas: its jesse aiden captured her and then we had this sword battle and he knocked me out but i was able to escape. petra: oh no if aiden has jesse who knows what he could be doing with her know like torchering her to tell him stuff. axel: hey lucas you kinda got a scar on the side of your forehead.
  19. the gang whent to the cave and whent inside the cave into the room where lucas and jesse where there. aiden was standing at the wall lucas slowly walkes up to him but lucas had steped on a presure plate it was a trap there was only a dummy with aidens jacket on it mobs aperd out of the wall
  20. every one started to fight the monsters like endermen and zombies skeletons and spiders when they all died a small wood door opend. lucas: come on this way
  21. lucas whent threw the door and aiden was holding jesse she was all tied up an tape on her mouth. lucas: let her go. aiden: ha make me. aidens green shirt all most made his eyes look glow in the dark but then he jumped threw a neather portal and the portal brock
  22. lucas: guys we need to find flint and steel to light the portal. axel: we dont need to i have some left over. petra: great job axel. oliva: light the portal already
  23. in the neather aiden took if jesses helmet and wrote a note then stuck it on the hat. jesse: what did you write. aiden: whats it to you know come on. he pulled jesse away
  24. when lucas and the gang got to the neather they saw the note on the helmet it said.. note: dear enamys just give up now ive all ready planed out everything to do with jesse. 1. marry her. 2. make her mine forever if ya know what i mean. 3. kill petra,axel, oliva. 4. kill lucas. and so on
  25. just then across a big pool of lava was aiden carrying jesse she was looking very pale and weak. lucas: we see you aiden. aiden. good wanna come see the big wedding oh right your not invited
  26. everything was ready for the wedding all though it was just blocks on fire shaped into thing jesse had a hard time standing up she kept falling something was wrong
  27. when lucas and the gang got there it was to late. lucas: noooooo. aiden was kissing jesse she looked like she was going to pass out any second. lucas's heart had brock teirs driped down his face. lucas: im too late
  28. petra: aiden what did you even do to jesse she looks so pale and weak and her eyes are freackin purple. aiden: oh i just took this poishin and gave it to jesse she got infected by the weither storm on purpose so she cant fight me
  29. aiden: hey speacking of that. aiden brought out a splash poshin and splatterd it at petra and axel. they collapsed on the ground. aiden: you two are next. oliva: run lucas. they both ran away. aiden: good go away its time for number 2 on my list this should be fun.
  30. oliva and lucas ran for cover. lucas: oh no what are we going to do now. oliva: easy give aiden a taste of his own medican i have 5 poshines for you choose wisly
  31. lucas:i will take splash poshine of slowness and swiftness.oliva: ok here you go. lucas drinks the swiftness and the world slows down then he runs into the cave and finds aiden and jesse
  32. just as lucas enterd the room the poshine stoped. lucas: oh gosh. aiden: well look who joined the party but sadly we are leaving. aiden hit a lever and whent outside of the passage way
  33. lucas followed him outside then aiden put jesse down behind him and pulled out his sword. aiden: lets do this. then lucas pulled out the poshine of slowness and threw it at aiden but he ducked and it hit jesse and petra
  34. aiden: blaze rods grab jesse and whats her face now! the 2 blaze rods members come out and grab jesse and petra. aiden: now come on fight me if you win i will give them both back but if you lose i keep jesse and throw away the other as for you if i win you will be dead
  35. lucas brought out his sword and so did aiden he steped closer and attacked. then aiden knocked the sword out of lucas's hand and he fell to the ground aiden raised his sword up in the sky. aiden: any last words
  36. then jesse grabed the back of aidens sword and pulled it out of his hand. aiden: huh? then lucas got his sword out of the ground and they traped aiden
  37. aiden: ok ok you got me but not any more. aiden took out an ender pearl and threw it at a high ledge. aiden: i will be back and be stronger. then he disperd
  38. BACK IN THE TREE HOUSE. jesse: hey lukas can i talk to you alone for a minute.
  39. lukas and jesse whent into a bedroom. jesse: so anyways why did you save me you couldmof just left me there.
  40. lukas: well i never thought i would say this but jesse i love you. jesse: really. lukas: yes really i all ways have. lukas leand a bit closer to jesse
  41. then suddenly a portal opend and sucked lukas and jesse in it. jesse: help. petra,ivor,oliva and axel came in and got sucked in to it too
  42. when they all awakend they were in a world filled with clay until they realized it was P.A.M.A's world. pama: missed me jesse. aiden: how about me. aiden apperd
  43. to be continued ps. the next chapternis called MCSM(love story with lukas and jesse part 2.

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