witch minecraft story mode charecter are you

hi everyone minecraft story mode is my favorite game ever and my favorite person is -sighs- lucas. i made this quiz to see who i am most like and then i thought hey why don't i just post this on gotoquizs for everyone to read

ok so the opshions are lucas petra oliva and axel im sorry i did not have enough time to put rubin and some others in but i will do that later and jesse i can't do beacuse basicly you choose the persanlity if you know what i mean

Created by: moonwatcher
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you a coward
  2. you come face to face with the weither storm you...
  3. one of your best friends are hurt you...
  4. you see a friend fall of something into a pit full of monsters you....
  5. with is your favorite order of the stones hero
  6. who would you choose to defare the weither
  7. axel and lucas are fighting whos side do you take
  8. what house would you build for staying 1 night
  9. there is only 1 cookie who do you give the cookie too
  10. there are 3 hall ways witch one do you go to
  11. the weither was split into 3 with one do you go for first
  12. where would you rather go

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Quiz topic: Witch minecraft story mode charecter am I