Minecraft story mode S.2 Ep.2

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the games have gone terribly messed up the deal has been brocken and chaos spreads can jesse and a strange mysterious pig save the day after lukas was taken

hi guys sorry that my story is long but i wanted to get them out earlyer this one took me a while to make so i hope you enjoy and season 2 episode 3 will be coming soon

Created by: moonwatcher
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. jesse slowly began to open the door and there was a little piggy at the door its dark blue eyes looked into jesse's as it began to cry in the cold.
  2. the pig sled in threw jesse's legs and started jumping on the table. "are you trying to tell me something?"said jesse. the pig nodded his head and ran to a picture of cookies. "OINK OINK"screetched the pig
  3. jesse got out a cookie and threw it onto the ground. "there you go" said jesse. the pig walked up to the cookie and shock his head then moved the cookie away. he ran to a picture of a hamburger and allmost tryed to mouth the word hamburger but it just came out as "OINK OINK OINK"
  4. "hmmm how about i name you hamburger?"jesse said confused. the pig slaped his hoof on his forhead and shock his head. ham looked around the house and ran into the bedroom he layed where the bed had been deleted. "are you tierd" jesse asked. ham growled and ran to a shelf filled with poshines he looked at them for momment and grabed a purple one splashing it on himself. "ITS ME JESSE LUKAS!"ham the pig shouted
  5. "lukas?!"jesse shouted. "YES YES ITS ME INSIDE THIS PIGS BODY ONE MOMMENT IM SLEEPING THE NEXT IM A PIG WHAT HAPPEND!"lukas shouted. "hadrian has taken over your body and is controlling you"
  6. "ewwww so you're telling me that there is some old guy in my body eww imagen the things he could be doing playing chess, listening to old music, flirting with old people and saying weird words like bucko"lukas explainded. "pffhhh haha wow i feel bad for you but no worrys we are going to get you're body back"jesse said. "than-" lukas's pig body started zapping and he colapsed to the ground.
  7. just after that the door opened and human lukas came threw the door. "good thing i wasent far away from here"lukas said. "oh here let me take that for you"lukas headed to the pigs body and threw it out the window dusting his hands of. "what just happend"jesse asked
  8. "well umm long story but my journal is gone and that had a lot of importent information in it"lukas explained. "well we need to go get it come lets go"jesse said. "we cant just leave like right now we need a plan"lukas insesteded
  9. "ummm we will be fine lets just make things up on the way"jesse began to run to the palace of mineing. "this is a bad idea"lukas said. they continued to run until they reached the last place they saw hadrian/otto. "now what"lukas wisper shouted
  10. "we go look for hadrian"jesse shouted. "NOT SO FAST"hadrian said pushing jesse to the wall. "ahhhh"lukas steped back in fear. "hiya"said a fermiler voice. hadrian fell to the ground and lily was behind him. "thats what you get for crossing me" said lily (lily is a trained warrior has the coolest weapons and armor she is from another demenshion where there is an epic war going on)
  11. "WHAT IS GOING ON"lukas shouted. " gladiators get them"hadrian shouted. the gladiators piled on lukas dragging him away. then they whent for lily but she managed to escape. "cmon we need to go" shouted lily. she grabed jesse's hand and pulled her out the door then used a poshine of speed and zoomed away.

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