Minecraft Nether Quiz

So the Minecraft Nether recently got updated, and I thought hey! Maybe I can use this for a quiz??? So yeah! I made this into a quiz a few months later, and it sucks. Hope you still like.

Also about the weird answers, I got bored, sorry. Just please don’t choose those undertale ones, I dunno why I even PUT them there in the first place.

Created by: Anon is tired
  1. What item do you need to barter with piglins?
  2. What is the first biome added to the nether?
  3. Which of these is not a real biome?
  4. What item is used to build a portal to the Nether?
  5. What item is used to light a portal to the Nether?
  6. Which dimension do Nether portals not work in?
  7. What is the only mob that spawns in the warped Forest?
  8. What mob does not spawn in the Lava Forest?
  9. What type of mob is the Strider?
  10. If you light a fire in Soul Sand Valley, what color does it turn? What’s it called?
  11. Which structure has blaze spawners?(Autocorrect turned that into Shawnee’s)?
  12. Do sheep spawn in the Nether?
  13. True or false: To respawn in the Nether, you need a bed.
  14. Is there lava in the nether?
  15. What is the nether?

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