Maths and questions!

Hi i'm doing this quiz for fun and because i'm bored! Please rate and comment how well did you did! Please rate and comment! Btw i love universe! Solar system and undertale! And roblox Too (my Name here is my Username at roblox)

Btw it's my first quiz. And i'm trying. if i could make more, Tell me in comments! (And also tell which quiz!) yup! So answer correctly! (Idk what i'm doing)

Created by: xXLucinkaXx_YT8
  1. Hi 5 questions will be from maths and other 5 will be from others because i'm lazy XD (correct is ok)
  2. 2+2=?
  3. 58-9=?
  4. 12x5=?
  5. 63÷7=?
  6. This one is harder ;) √25
  7. Ok no maths!Do you love this quiz? (First is correct)
  8. How are you?
  9. Will you rate?
  10. Will you comment?
  11. This is last! Have a nice day!

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