How much do you know Roblox 2

How well do you know Roblox? "I don't know Roblox that well. I might as well learn.." Both of these are right here in this fantastic quiz! 8 questions!

Learn about Roblox as much as you can! Trying out this quiz will absolutely make you love Roblox! You can know stuff you don't understand. This is probably the best Roblox quiz! Come check it out!

Created by: Veronica
  1. How to private chat someone?
  2. What does Roblox hate people doing?
  3. What to do when you get hacked!?
  4. When you open a page in Roblox, or if you open Roblox and it says blank, what happened?
  5. When you open someones profile and it says "Page is not found" What does it mean?
  6. {Bonus} If you get banned, your reaction.
  7. If someone random friends you, you:
  8. If someone asks you to ___ say no. {Double Bonus}
  9. Roblox is also known as:
  10. How much do you love Roblox? Do not count this question in your additional score as it may be your opinion.

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Roblox 2

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