The Solar System

This quiz is to assess your recognition of some of the key features of the Planets within the Solar System. If you are able to complete this Quiz accurately you qualify as a genius!

Lets see how clever you are at completing this tricky quiz!Did you listen in class because if you did you wont have any problems answering the questions.

Created by: Nikki
  1. What orbits the Sun?
  2. The Sun is a fiery ball of what ?
  3. Which Planets is the closest to the Sun?
  4. What is our brightest Planet Venus known as?
  5. Which planet in the universe is the only planet with liquid water on its surface?
  6. Jupiter is a gigantic planet, how much heavier is it than the other planets?
  7. If you turned Saturn on its side, the rings around this planet would fit through what?
  8. On Uranus in summer the Sun does not set for how many years?
  9. In addition to Planets, what else exists in the Universe ?
  10. What do Scientists believe the universe was made of?
  11. Is Neptune the eighth planet from the sun and have the strongest winds in the Universe?

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