Is your oc a Mary Sue / Gary Stu? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Is your oc a Mary Sue / Gary Stu?
Your Result: Perfect 79%
Before I start, I am just going to remind you (or tell you if you did not read the description) that this is my opinion, and this result may be inaccurate because of this. I am sorry I can not give personal feedback. Your oc is not a Mary sue, nor an anti sue! They have a perfect balance of good and bad traits, making them have layers and character development. Just keep in mind that there might be some places your character lacks. Otherwise, you're golden!
Bro lets goooooo ;w;
Cool quiz btw! :] -
Your Result: Perfect 80%
Before I start, I am just going to remind you (or tell you if you did not read the description) that this is my opinion, and this result may be inaccurate because of this. I am sorry I can not give personal feedback. Your oc is not a Mary sue, nor an anti sue! They have a perfect balance of good and bad traits, making them have layers and character development. Just keep in mind that there might be some places your character lacks. Otherwise, you're golden!
considering i have an avatar (atla) oc, this is really accurate!! ill make sure to improve my character
scknk1 -
Your Result: Borderline anti - sue
Before I start, I am just going to remind you (or tell you if you did not read the description) that this is my opinion, and this result may be inaccurate because of this. I am sorry I can not give personal feedback. Your oc is not a Mary sue, but I think you have been trying a tad bit too hard to have your oc not have Mary sue traits. This does not mean your character is an anti - sue, but they are on the verge of being one. I would add a couple more interesting traits to make your character more unique. You're almost golden!
Eh I should have expected that. Also great quiz!
Melonie11 -
Hi! It’s Melonie1. I can’t do this account anymore, so I am making it a public account where any guests can make quizzes. The password is Melonie1. Thanks everyone!
Melonie11 -
Of course!
Hope you guys like this!
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